Homeschool is so cool!

Ah, we’re having a lovely homeschool moment today. As I’m at the computer printing off multiplication practice pages, I hear Emily confide to Amanda that she saves doing her handwriting practice until I start reading Amanda’s read-aloud books to her, “because the stories are just soooo good and I love to hear them again!” (Emily gets sent to the dining room to do her seat-work (math, handwriting, etc) while I do school with Amanda in the livingroom).

I suggested to Emily that maybe I should let her read to Amanda instead of merely eavesdropping from the other room. She responded enthusiastically. I warned her that she would have to get through with her school work first before she would be allowed to read Amanda’s schoolbooks to her. She thought a moment and said, “Maybe I can read to her before school starts?” Sure, as long as they both finish their breakfasts (usually a long drawn out affair) and sort their laundry first.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen them eat or sort so quickly. 🙂

The girls are cuddled up together on the couch. Emily is reading with great enthusiasm and inflection to Amanda, who appears to be following along over her shoulder. I love Sonlight Curriculum!

It must be a big back yard…

“Mama, did these mushrooms come from outside?”
– Amanda, examining her soup

“They didn’t come from the back yard, if that’s what you mean. I opened a can from Costco.”
– Mama, extrapolating to get at her real question

“They came from outside, from Costco’s back yard, Amanda!”
– Emily, explaining… sort of