Twist Her Arm, If You Must

“It’s going to be hot again tomorrow, so when you come visit, we’ll have to stay inside and… be forced to watch a video or something.”
– Grampy

“You don’t have to force us to watch a video!”
– Emily

Summer Time!

Spring has been very very very (did I say very?) busy for us. We have successfully completed another fabulous birthday tea party, meaning of course, that Amanda is now 5! We have also survived my painting of the “blue rooms”– kitchen, nook and den “great room”. It was truly amazing how much stuff fit in our dining room while it was all moved out of harm’s way during the painting project. Throw in a tupperware party, rearranging furniture in 2 rooms, 3 separate out of town guests and a couple of other little projects for church. Stir vigorously while homeschooling and keeping up with the laundry. Anybody else tired? 🙂

Our most recent treat was a visit from my sister-in-law, Suzanne, and my 10 month old niece, Haley. Babies aren’t usually very impressed with me, but my niece just loves her auntie! Yay! Up next will be our annual trip to PA to visit Grandma and Grandpa and then on to the church retreat. Yes! A vacation sounds good right about now!

Looking on the Bright Side

“I feel like a grown-up now, since Mama gets her blood taken in her arm, too.”
– Emily, after recovering from the experience of her first non “finger-prick” blood draw during her doctor’s visit